

Breeding Females


orbibusto web

Orbea Artemisa *DE

 Indrani Bosques del Zar *ES

anibusto web 

Indrani Bosques del Zar *ES

Indrani Bosques del Zar *ES

Female Norwegian Forest, black tortie with white.
Genotipe proposed
aa - BB - CC- Dd - EE - gg - ii - ll - mm - mcmc - Oo - RR - ReRe - spsp - tt - wsw - wbwb
EMS Code
NFO f 09
Date of Birth:
13rd July 2014 (13/06/2014).
Sire/Father Dam/Mother
Lòkahi Eidolon *ES Hanoï du Vent du Nord *BE
Pictures Pedigree
Galeria paw peds


PK-Def: NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (June 2015).  Ani DPK
HCM: Cooming soon.  
PKD: Cooming soon.  
 FIV, FeLV:  Negative. (January 2015) Ani Felv FIV

Physical.- She is a Norwegian Forest very robust and heavy, her bone structure is very strong, has a long body, large round paws. Has a good round head with high forehead, her chin is strong and has a very straight profile. The ears are properly sited, although we know that is still young and can go down more throughout the developmentthey are small as much as we like the classic lines we seek. It has a good eye shape, well placed and the color is yellowish green. Its color is solid black tortie with white, and has a warmth in the red color that captivates us. For our liking could have a longer tail, but with our males that aspect is more than compensated.

Behavior.- As a good tortie is mischievous and peppy. She is very sociable and outgoing, has excellent behavior for shows, she allowed to manipulate her and is quiet, sweet. Loves brushing, she will she seeks itself the brush and puts to you the face to combs, the shower and dryer is already something siferent ...;). It is very glutton, but also flirty.






Exposición Internacional 100x100 Mascota del Club Felino de Madrid. Ifema, Madrid CFM

24th may 2015

Mrs. Eleonora Ruggiero (Italy) Exc 1 + NOM + BOS WCF
    Exc 1 + NOM  

Exposición Bestial, Mundial WCF Reus, ASFEC.

8th March 2015

 Mr. Antonello Bardella

 Exc 1 + NOM

(Young category
6-10 months)


Exposición Bestial, Mundial WCF Reus, ASFEC.

7th March 2015

Mrs. Aneliesse Hackmann
 Exc 1
(Young category
6-10 months)




© Bolboreta Forest. Bea Alonso.


Indrani Bosques del Zar *ES Changes

Indrani Bosques del Zar *ES

Female Norwegian Forest, black tortie with white.
Genotipe proposed
aa - BB - CC- Dd - EE - gg - ii - ll - mm - mcmc - Oo - RR - ReRe - spsp - tt - wsw - wbwb
EMS Code
NFO f 09
Date of Birth:
13rd July 2014 (13/06/2014).
Padre Madre
Lòkahi Eidolon *ES Hanoï du Vent du Nord *BE
Fotos Pedigree
Galeria paw peds


PK-Def: NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (June 2015).  Ani DPK
HCM: Cooming soon. (Programmed in September 2015)  
PKD: Cooming soon. (Programmed in September 2015)  
 FIV, FeLV:  Negative. (January 2015) Ani Felv FIV

Pedigree (PawPeds).


Physical.- She is a Norwegian Forest very robust and heavy, her bone structure is very strong, has a long body, large round paws. Has a good round head with high forehead, her chin is strong and has a very straight profile. The ears are properly sited, although we know that is still young and can go down more throughout the developmentthey are small as much as we like the classic lines we seek. It has a good eye shape, well placed and the color is yellowish green. Its color is solid black tortie with white, and has a warmth in the red color that captivates us. For our liking could have a longer tail, but with our males that aspect is more than compensated.

Behavior.- As a good tortie is mischievous and peppy. She is very sociable and outgoing, has excellent behavior for shows, she allowed to manipulate her and is quiet, sweet. Loves brushing, she will she seeks itself the brush and puts to you the face to combs, the shower and dryer is already something siferent ...;). It is very glutton, but also flirty.






Exposición Internacional 100x100 Mascota del Club Felino de Madrid. Ifema, Madrid CFM

24th may 2015

Mrs. Eleonora Ruggiero (Italy) Exc 1 + NOM + BOS WCF
    Exc 1 + NOM  

Exposición Bestial, Mundial WCF Reus, ASFEC.

8th March 2015

 Mr. Antonello Bardella

 Exc 1 + NOM

(Young category
6-10 months)


Exposición Bestial, Mundial WCF Reus, ASFEC.

7th March 2015

Mrs. Aneliesse Hackmann
 Exc 1
(Young category
6-10 months)




© Bolboreta Forest. Bea Alonso.


At Home

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We are many more in the family. We live with the cats, of the cattery:  Beruthiel Forest *ES


They are:


casiopea montegancedo es 1 20140128 1593527595 

Casiopea Montegancedo*ES

Casiopea Montegancedo *ES Female Norwegian Forest Cat, black tortoise silver blotched tabby bicolor.

EMS Code: NFO fs 03 22.

Birthdate: April 23, 2008.



Pictures Gallery.




Narsil Montegancedo*ES

Norwegian Forest Female, black tabby mackerel with white.

EMS Code: NFO n 09 23.

Birth: February 28, 2009.


Pictures Gallery.




They share our home, our caresses and ours games. Also somo other mischief, ;).


© Bea Alonso. Bolboreta Forest. 

Orbea Artemisa *DE

Orbea Artemisa *DE

Female Norwegian Forest Cat, white with odd eyes.
Genotipe proposed
AA - BB - CC - DD - EE - gg - ii - ll - mm - Mcmc - oo - RR - ReRe - spsp - tt - W¿ws? - ¿Wb?wb
EMS Code
NFO w 63.
Date of Birth:
27th June 2009 (27/06/209).
Sire/Father Dam/Mother
Scar Stang ar Voud *FR Fama Artemisa *DE
Pictures Pedigree
Gallery paw peds
Pedigree by Colors and Patterns.



GSD IV:  NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (October 2012).  Certificados GSDIV WEB
PK-Def:  NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (June 2015).  Orbea DPK
HCM: Cooming soon.  
PKD: Cooming soon.  
 FIV, FeLV, PIF:  Negative. Certificados Felv Fiv Pif web

Physical: She is a cat considered "extreme". It has a long profile, high forehead. Her ears are well positioned and are rather large. She have Linx tips and good tufts. Her eyes are slightly oblique and odd. She is a long and tall cat. Her coat have a good hair with a good quality, the hairs of the tail are long and populous. What best defines Orbea is hers elegance. We would like her bones were a bit mor strong.

Behavior: It is a quiet, loving cat. She like so much human contact as the contact of the other cats. She loves to sleep curled up with their peers. With humans is bighead, when she wants something gets it so smooth and quiet, elegant. What she likes most is to rest near his favorite human, and playing with bottle caps and pens, mice and cats balls call her attention a while but always comes back to run behind hers caps. With a plume you can capture her attention all the time you want.







181ª International Feline Show - Braga
Clube Portugés de Felininicultura - CPF


Mrs. Anne Veland
 C.A.C.  FIFé

180ª International Feline Show - Braga
Clube Portugés de Felininicultura - CPF


Mr. Karl Preiss
EXC 1 - C.A.C.  FIFé




© Bolboreta Forest.

Orbea Artemisa *DE Changes

Orbea Artemisa *DE

Female Norwegian Forest Cat, white with odd eyes.
Genotipe proposed
AA - BB - CC - DD - EE - gg - ii - ll - mm - Mcmc - oo - RR - ReRe - spsp - tt - W¿ws? - ¿Wb?wb
EMS Code
NFO w 63.
Date of Birth:
27th June 2009 (27/06/209).
Sire/Father Dam/Mother
Scar Stang ar Voud *FR Fama Artemisa *DE
Pictures Pedigree
Gallery paw peds
Pedigree by Colors and Patterns.



GSD IV:  NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (October 2012).  Certificados GSDIV WEB
PK-Def:  NORMAL/NEGATIVE N/N (June 2015).  Orbea DPK
HCM: Cooming soon.  
PKD: Cooming soon.  
 FIV, FeLV, PIF:  Negative. Certificados Felv Fiv Pif web

Physical: She is a cat considered "extreme". It has a long profile, high forehead. Her ears are well positioned and are rather large. She have Linx tips and good tufts. Her eyes are slightly oblique and odd. She is a long and tall cat. Her coat have a good hair with a good quality, the hairs of the tail are long and populous. What best defines Orbea is hers elegance. We would like her bones were a bit mor strong.

Behavior: It is a quiet, loving cat. She like so much human contact as the contact of the other cats. She loves to sleep curled up with their peers. With humans is bighead, when she wants something gets it so smooth and quiet, elegant. What she likes most is to rest near his favorite human, and playing with bottle caps and pens, mice and cats balls call her attention a while but always comes back to run behind hers caps. With a plume you can capture her attention all the time you want.







181ª International Feline Show - Braga
Clube Portugés de Felininicultura - CPF


Mrs. Anne Veland
 C.A.C.  FIFé

180ª International Feline Show - Braga
Clube Portugés de Felininicultura - CPF


Mr. Karl Preiss
EXC 1 - C.A.C.  FIFé




© Bolboreta Forest.

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